Ah John - you spoilt us with the charm and elegance of Java! It is such a beautifully structured language. But I understand that had a trade off - the JVM made code run slower.

I remember you pulling in those graphics libraries in C++ - MDL wasn't it? Although you taught it exceptionally well as always, I did not like C++. I'm keeping faith with your judgment to follow this Rust train.

As for the vi/emacs debate, I had been a Windows guy for years envying those guys with access to Sun Workstations. (I am still not fluent in the C shell for that reason, I am still winging it). I saw them using those weird looking editors and had no idea what they were doing. Can you maybe give us a tutorial on vi to get us up to speed?

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I'm convinced different languages appeal to slightly different personality types for fundamental psychological reasons! Someone should study it!!

It's a long time since I used VI extensively. There is actually a tutorial built into it these days though usually; you'll see it if you start it up. I was never an expert with it but I got by OK.

Ironically I chose to make mainly Java tutorials just because it was easier than dealing with all the problems that come with C++, even though I preferred C++ in some ways.

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